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After many months of hard work and dedication from many great people, I am proud to announce the official release of OpenShot 1.4.3!  This release has more bug fixes, enhancements, and new features than any other release of OpenShot to date!  Please watch our release video and check out the new features:

OpenShot 1.4.3 Released! from Jonathan Thomas on Vimeo.

Before I get into the details of this release, I want to thank all of the wonderful people who have contributed to this release: Andy Finch, Olivier Girard, Yann Morere (for the amazing 3D animations), and everyone who contributed ideas, artwork, code, testing, and translations!  I am always humbled to work with so many talented volunteers from around the world, so thank you!

While there are many open-source video editors to choose from on Linux, none offer the simplicity, powerful & beautiful 3D animations, and community support of OpenShot.  Download Now!

New Features for OpenShot 1.4.3

  • Improved Timeline Snapping for Transitions (no more manual adjustment of every transition)
  • Improved Drag & Drop features (Vertical Constraints, Improved Gap Removal, New Keyboard Shortcuts, and more)
  • New 3D Animations (Realistic Earth, Exploding Text, Dissolving Text, and more)
  • 10+ New Effects (Sharpness, Vignette, Lens Correction, and more)
  • Apply Effects to Tracks (and Multiple Clips at the same time)
  • Adjust Speed of Animated Titles (utilizing time remapping, for interpolated smooth animations)
  • New Transitions (6 bars, boxes)
  • New Dark Theme
  • Improved Translations
  • Updated Documentation
  • Updated Dependencies (Now requires Blender 2.62+)
  • Tons of Bug Fixes (Full List of Bugs & Features)

Help Spread the Word

Please help us spread the word about OpenShot to every corner of the world!  Linux has an easy to use, and powerful video editor, and believe it or not, there are still many people who have never heard of OpenShot before.  So, please post on Facebook, write blog entries, share the video above with your friends or embed it on your website, and lets see how many new OpenShot fans we can get!  Thanks for your help and support, and I hope you enjoy using OpenShot 1.4.3!

Follow Us

Do you want to follow every single development decision, every new feature, and/or help share your opinions and shape the future of OpenShot?  If so, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.  We post updates more often on these networks, and look forward to hearing from you.

What's Next

So, you are already bored with 1.4.3, and want to know what's next?  Well, here are a few tidbits to keep you well informed on the future of OpenShot.  We will likely have 1 additional (possibly 2) releases in the 1.X series, based on the MLT framework, with many big changes coming to our timeline canvas, to make it compatible with GTK3, and also improve it's usability.  Then, if all goes according to plan, we will have our first release of the OpenShot library, our new video editing back-end, and move OpenShot into the 2.X series.  Stay tuned!

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