18 Mär

Following in the footsteps of other successfully funded open-source projects, such as VLC, Kdenlive, and Novacut, OpenShot Video Editor has just launched it's first ever Kickstarter campaign, focused on raising funds to develop a cross-platform version (Windows, Linux, and Mac), integrate our new & powerful video editing engine, and improve our user interface & video editing work-flow.  In other words, we want to make dramatic improvements to OpenShot, and then release it to millions of new users from around the world!

However, we need your help to make this happen!

If you are one of the hundreds of people that has been asking for a Windows and Mac version of OpenShot, now is your chance to make it happen!  Simply click the "Back This Project" button on Kickstarter and then tell your friends to do the same.  We have some very unique and fun reward levels, including designing and naming your own vector titles and 3D animations.  Or perhaps there is one feature you have always wanted in OpenShot... no problem, we have a reward level for that as well.

How You Can Help

We really do need your help to make this happen. We need you to spread word of this campaign far and wide. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your co-workers. In order to reach our goal, we need coverage on as many websites, forums, and social networks as possible.

URL: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/421164014/openshot-video-editor-for-windows-mac-and-linux
Here are some ad banners I designed for this campaign.  Please feel free to link to these images, copy them, and distribute them as you see fit.  Here are the links:
Become a backer of OpenShot on Kickstarter!

Become a backer of OpenShot on Kickstarter!/images/uploads/archive/OpenShot-Ad-468-60.png

Become a backer of OpenShot on Kickstarter!/images/uploads/archive/OpenShot-Ad-728-90.png

Become a backer of OpenShot on Kickstarter!/images/uploads/archive/OpenShot-Ad-930-80.png

 Learn More

To learn more about this project, watch demo videos of new features, and check out all the rewards levels, please take a look at our Kickstarter campaign today!

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