12 Sep

Have you ever wanted to layer or mix different videos together?  Or perhaps layer multiple videos, one on top of the other, or add a watermark image? If so, this is called "compositing", and is a super cool, and very useful technique when editing videos.  I thought it would be fun, to offer a quick and simple tutorial for new users, and show the basics of multi-track video editing using OpenShot.

Here is the main screen in OpenShot.  It contains three different layers (also called "tracks") at the bottom of the screen (labeled 1, 2, and 3).  These tracks behave much like layers of paper on your desk: the bottom track is covered up by the track directly above it, and that track is covered up by the one above it, and so on, for as many tracks as you choose to add.

Top Track
Clips on this track will be on top.  Logos and watermarks should be on this layer.  The OpenShot logo is on this track in the illustration.
Middle Track
These clips are under the top track, but above the bottom track.  The image with circles is on this track in the illustration.
Bottom Track
These clips are under all other tracks.  The sunset is on  this track in the illustration.

So, now that you understand the basics of multiple tracks, notice how the 3 layers (in the illustration above) are composited together in the preview window. Just like layers of paper on a desk.  Of course, if your video or image contains transparency, it will show through what is below, which is why layers 1 and 2 don't completely cover up the bottom layer.

Editing videos on Linux can be easy and fun, once you know the basics.  So, now that you've learned a new technique, it's time to practice using OpenShot to edit your own videos!  Have fun!

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