Need a Trim?
on .Someone pointed out to me that trimming a clip on the timeline in OpenShot is like being blind-folded with a pair of scissors in one hand. That sounds dangerous doesn't it! So, we have improved the trim / resize feature in OpenShot to work like this:
- User switches to 'Resize' / 'Trim' mode (i.e. which you can now do with the TAB key)
- As the user starts to trim the edge of the clip, the video window switches to 'Preview' mode for that clip
- As the user drags the edge of the clip back and forth, the preview window automatically seeks to the trimmed frame. In other words, it shows you a live preview of exactly where you are trimming.
- When you user stops trimming (i.e. they stop clicking their mouse button), the video window returns to it's original preview of the timeline