22 Lip.

Here is our final feature announcement in our 4 for 4 special: a much improved timeline and new video play-back controls. Many of these features are based on comments and feature requests I've received on this blog. I do listen to all suggestions, so keep them coming! =)

Timeline Improvements:

  • Video thread is now initialized ...

21 Lip.

The 3rd new feature in our 4 for 4 special is the Export Video dialog!!! This is no ordinary video export screen, but rather a complete set of video, audio, and image encoding features!

[screenshot of export dialog - default view]

In no particular order, here are the details:
  • Export options: "Video & Audio" or "Image ...

20 Lip.

Here comes the 2nd new feature in our 4 for 4 special, a shiny, new title editor!!! Title editors are an important feature in video editors, but rarely have the power of full-featured vector graphics programs. We've attempted to find a middle ground: a simple title template system (using a standard image format: SVG ...

18 Lip.

I have some really exciting new features I am going to be announcing over the next 4 days (starting tonight at 12 AM CST (GMT-6)! Over the past 4 weeks I have received many feature requests, bug reports, and suggestions. I have listened to your suggestions and worked very hard to bring you lots of ...

30 Svi.

Now that I have successfully rolled out the OpenShot build wizard, I am returning my focus to OpenShot and the task at hand. In my latest check-in I have added the following features:

  • Frame Stepping - The LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys now step frame by frame in either direction. This works really well, and feels ...

19 Svi.

Today marks an important day in the life of OpenShot Video Editor... the day we became a serious video editor. I'm talking about frame by frame animation, composited on top of multiple layers of video and audio! You can now "easily" edit every single pixel of your video (if you so desire). As you ...

12 Svi.

I have finally finished the video controls (i.e. skip to beginning, previous marker, rewind, play / pause, fast-forward, next marker, and skip to end). I created a new set of icons, and integrated them into the MLT framework. I also hooked up the play-head, so it actually seeks the video as the user drags it ...