9 1월

Happy New Year! 2012 is going to be a big year for OpenShot. We are about to release version 1.4.1 (details below), and are packing our bags to attend SCALE 10x (Southern California Linux Expo). I spent a large amount of my time last year working on a new video editing framework, which ...

16 10월

Here is a great original video created with OpenShot 1.4, which shows the progression of an artist, layer by layer, creating a beautiful scene of a girl holding a puppet. The artist used Krita 2.4, an open-source digital painting application, and used OpenShot to animate the progression.

Girl with Puppet:

Ramón Miranda is ...

23 9월

I am proud to announce that OpenShot version 1.4 has finally been released! This version represents a huge investment by our small and dedicated team of developers, contributors, testers, translators, and users. We love video editing just as much as we love Linux, and we are happy to deliver this amazing open-source software to ...

16 9월

It's been 3 months since my last blog post, and I have so much to say. I have been working harder than ever before on OpenShot, and regret that I have not had more time for writing blog entries. I have new details on our next release, version 1.4, a request for translations ...

9 2월

One of the most difficult tasks in creating a video or film is keeping track of and organizing all of your media files, such as videos, sound effects, sound track, titles, credits, and scenes. OpenShot has not been very good at this task... until today.

Introducing the OpenShot Filter Bar, which helps you find what ...

2 2월

OpenShot needs your help to make the next version (1.3.0) the very best it can be! We need native language speakers of all languages (except English), to help translate OpenShot.

It requires no special software or special skills, other than speaking both English and your native language. All you need is a web ...