Архивы Апрель 2009 г.

27 Апр

Fresh off the release of video compositing, we've just added audio mixing to OpenShot. What is audio mixing you ask? Well, it's the ability to mix the audio of multiple video & audio clips across multiple tracks. So, instead of hearing just the audio from the top-most clip, it mixes all the tracks ...

Обсуждения : 3 Comments

24 Апр

Have you ever been able to to easily overlay, mix, edit, and composite videos in Linux? Me neither, but that's about to change! We have just added the ability to composite any number of clips & tracks together.

OpenShot's time-line is organized much like the Layers in Gimp or Photoshop. The bottom layer ...

Обсуждения : 0 Comments

19 Апр

Here is a quick status update on OpenShot. Things are progressing nicely. The code is really shaping up, and I am making very good progress. Here are few of the recent changes:

  • MLT framework has been integrated
  • A threading framework has been setup to work with MLT (so OpenShot doesn't freeze while playing videos ...

Обсуждения : 10 Comments

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