Архивы Январь 2012 г.

29 Янв

I am proud to announce that OpenShot 1.4.1 has been released! This was originally going to be a quick and simple bug fix release, but instead, has grown into a more full-featured release. This has been a very busy month for OpenShot, with a trip to SCALE 10x, a couple presentations, and now ...

Обсуждения : 19 Comments

25 Янв

I am officially back from SCALE 10x (Southern California Linux Expo), and I have a few photos and experiences to share with everyone. We (myself and a few co-workers) arrived on Thursday (Jan 19th) at the Hilton LAX in Los Angeles. We spent most of Friday in PostgreSQL training (unrelated to OpenShot, but really awesome ...

Обсуждения : 1 Comment

9 Янв

Happy New Year! 2012 is going to be a big year for OpenShot. We are about to release version 1.4.1 (details below), and are packing our bags to attend SCALE 10x (Southern California Linux Expo). I spent a large amount of my time last year working on a new video editing framework, which ...

Обсуждения : 4 Comments

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