31 Мар

Today we reached 100% of our goal! THANK YOU SO MUCH for backing and supporting OpenShot on Kickstarter! It looks like this project is officially going to happen now! I am so excited to get started, but before I do, we can still make OpenShot even better (i.e. stretch goals). So, I will continue to work hard promoting this campaign, spreading the word, and if I'm lucky, land a few more articles on popular websites.

Happy Easter!

While I was dyeing Easter Eggs with my kids this evening, we decided to make some Kickstarter themed eggs, in honor of OpenShot reaching 100% of its goal. So, with our tools in hand (wax crayons, dye, vinegar, and water), here is what we came up with.


Look how beautiful this chart is. If you stand back and squint your eyes, it almost looks like a straight line. In reality, things have seemed much more unpredictable. But all that really matters is we are above that green line!

More Stretch Goals

I have received many messages from people with additional suggestions for stretch goals. Some, such as improved support for sub-titles, might be added as additional stretch goals soon. If you have some great ideas for additional stretch goals, please send me a message soon and I will consider them.

Thank You... Again!

We did it! 100% funded in 13 days. And we could not have done it without your help. So, thank you again!

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