15 Nis

Only 39 hours remain for OpenShot's Kickstarter (fund raising) campaign and some big changes are being announced today for our stretch goals (i.e. additional features that are unlocked at certain fund raising amounts). But first, we have reached another amazing milestone, Stretch Goal #3: Animation Presets, greatly improving the work-flow for animating video clips and titles. Overall, the past 48 hours have been great, with over $2,800 pledged, pushing us past $35,000. So, thank you to everyone who has supported our project so far!


I have submitted a new Slashdot article, that could really use some "up votes", if you want to help us out. Getting this posted on Slashdot in the final hours of our Kickstarter, could be the "make or break" moment of this campaign.

Stretch Goal #4: FREE!

As a thank you, I have decided to make some BIG CHANGES to the remaining stretch goals, starting with including Stretch Goal #4: Video Render Queue (queue up multiple renders) for FREE! This is a great feature, and will improve the work-flow for rendering multiple versions of your timeline.

Stretch Goal #5: REDUCED!

As a final thank you, I am reducing the price for Stretch Goal #5: Video Editing Server, in hopes to meet everyone halfway. This is a highly complex system, for offloading CPU, Memory, and Disk Cache to a local server (or server farm), dramatically improving the speed of previews and renders. I have already created successful small scale experiments with this technology, but as you can imagine, it will have far reaching implications in the design of OpenShot, which is why I originally set the goal so high. However, I really want to see this feature get implemented, and I'm crossing my fingers that we'll hit this goal before we run out of time.

Statistics Update

Take a look at how far we've come, and how little is remaining to reach our final goal!

Only 39 Hours Remaining!

We are in the final hours of our Kickstarter, and this is our last chance to spread the word, email our friends and co-workers, talk to our bosses about corporate sponsorships, or increase our pledges. Stretch Goal #5 is now more possible than ever before, but we will have to all pitch in to make this happen. Once again, THANK YOU for supporting OpenShot, and let's sprint to the finish line!

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