12 Сер

Today marks an important milestone for the OpenShot Kickstarter campaign, many of the rewards have started shipping, and many of you should receive a tracking # via email (in the next 48 hours). Others will receive your tracking # later this week. Worst case, you won't receive a tracking # via email, but your package will still ...

Обговорення : 3 Comments

27 Лип

Over the past 6 weeks I have been hard at work, and have many exciting updates to share, including an upcoming presentation at the Dallas Makerspace (for those who live in North Texas). While most of my time has been spent working on C++ libraries (which is a bit challenging to share at this ...

Обговорення : 10 Comments

9 Чер

Over the past many weeks, I have made some tremendous progress and have lots of exciting updates to share with you! For those who were wondering, I did finally get my Kickstarter funds transferred to me, even though it took a few more weeks than I initially expected.

Cross-Platform Update

I have setup a complete ...

Обговорення : 32 Comments

25 Кві

Its been just over a week since we successfully funded, and I have been busy incorporating the many new features into my development schedule. As you can imagine, some of the more complex tasks require careful planning, meetings, and even simple prototypes, to help verify my schedule will be achievable.  So, I fully anticipate completing ...

Обговорення : 33 Comments

24 Кві

I wanted to take a moment and thank our newest sponsor, Media College, who pledged $1,500 on Kickstarter towards improving OpenShot! They provided a huge boost to our fundraising efforts at a critical time in our campaign. Thank You so much for supporting OpenShot!

For those who don't know, mediacollege.com has hundreds ...

Обговорення : 0 Comments

15 Кві

Only 39 hours remain for OpenShot's Kickstarter (fund raising) campaign and some big changes are being announced today for our stretch goals (i.e. additional features that are unlocked at certain fund raising amounts). But first, we have reached another amazing milestone, Stretch Goal #3: Animation Presets, greatly improving the work-flow for animating video ...

Обговорення : 6 Comments

4 Кві

One of the most important features of a video editor is its timeline interface. The timeline allows users to arrange, trim, and position video clips over time. The next version of OpenShot will feature a new timeline, built from the ground up using modern web development technologies, such as HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

Keep in ...

Обговорення : 17 Comments

31 Бер

Today we reached 100% of our goal! THANK YOU SO MUCH for backing and supporting OpenShot on Kickstarter! It looks like this project is officially going to happen now! I am so excited to get started, but before I do, we can still make OpenShot even better (i.e. stretch goals). So, I will continue ...

Обговорення : 7 Comments

27 Бер

Become a backer of OpenShot on Kickstarter!

There are still 21 days left in the OpenShot Kickstarter campaign, and we have already climbed to 448 backers, with pledges reaching 65% of our $20,000 goal. While we have had an amazing start to our campaign, there are still challenges ahead. We still need to raise $7,000 to reach our goal, and ...

Обговорення : 7 Comments

25 Бер

What a great weekend we had on the OpenShot Kickstarter campaign! We added 130+ new backers and are now 53% funded! Want to know more? Check out the full update posted on Kickstarter! Now, if only we can get featured on Boing Boing!

Take a look at the breakdown of backers we've received from ...

Обговорення : 5 Comments