Архіви автора: Jonathan

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20 Бер

OpenShot Logo Animation (Credit: owlmaddie)
OpenShot Logo Animation (Credit: owlmaddie)

I am proud to announce the immediate release of OpenShot 2.4.4, the absolute best version yet! This is going to be a long post, but here is a quick summary for those who are short on time. This release brings huge performance and stability improvements, along with some major bug fixes, lots of polish, and many new features.

Обговорення : 12 Comments

30 Чер

Happy summer! Version 2.4.2, the latest and greatest OpenShot Video Editor is now available (after a long wait), and we have lots of great improvements to share! We have exciting new effects, tons of bug fixes, and more stability and performance enhancements! Let's dive right in!

Обговорення : 14 Comments