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14 Гру

If you speak a non-English native language, and would like to have your name appear in the credits, please help us ensure that OpenShot is fully translated in your language. All you need is a web browser and a bit of free time: Translate OpenShot. Thanks in advance for your help!

NOTE: Please do ...

Обговорення : 3 Comments

29 Вер

Greetings Everyone! Over the past many months, a ton of work has gone into OpenShot 2.0, so this update is going to be jam packed full of exciting news and updates! I’ll be discussing what features are now completed, what challenges have come up and been conquered, what challenges remain, and what’s next for ...

Обговорення : 67 Comments

13 Лют

Greetings and welcome to a special OpenShot Valentines Weekend Update! It has been way, way too long since my last update, and I have a tons of news and info to share with everyone. Over the past few months, many new features and improvements have been implemented in libopenshot (our new video editing library), and ...

Обговорення : 51 Comments